Luxury products, flowers and fruits come together in the images of the french photographer Valentin Abad. His brand works, for cosmetics, jewelry and magazine, are inspired by his personal artistic experiments. Sculpture and installation give him the necessary space to test the possibilities of the[...]
Fishkeeping is a consuming passion for recreating marine biotopes in a limited space: the aquarium. This hobby is photographed by the duo of Tania and David Willen, from Studio Willen. Together, they met Swiss aquarists and their high-end aquaria. The series of images Appetite for[...]
Partners at work and in life, Ning Kai and Sabrina Scarpa are passionate about the natural environments they encounter. Both photographers, they teamed up in 2015 and since then have never individually signed an image. They travel the globe and set off to meet the[...]
Textile artist Emma Cassi is inspired by the work of fashion designer Dries Van Noten and learned embroidery on her own. After creating her brand of embroidered jewelry, she now designs fabric pots, painted herbariums, long silk panels and masks... With her masks made of[...]
Dura Lee's illustrations are colorful and look like movie scenes. Grandiose landscapes, dreamy interiors and characters harnessed to simple stories or, on the contrary, caught up in supernatural contexts, enrich dense storytelling that fits into a single image. In her second graphic novel Memories of[...]
Marianne Guedin plays with fresh flowers and creates scenographies where the art of botany and design meet. The artist and florist craftsman imagines decors on a human scale and, for one evening, designs compositions of supernatural flowers with eminently sensory textures, scents and colors. In[...]
Flowers of all colors, sizes and species adorn the faces and bodies portrayed by Giseok Cho. The Korean photographer wants to create the imagery of his own generation whether they are from Seoul or not. Early in his career as a photographer, Giseok Cho worked[...]
Japanese florist artist Azuma Makoto captures the life cycle of flowers through moving illustration. In 2016, he surrounded himself with London illustrator Katie Scott, specialized in botanical drawings and with animator James Paulley for his 3D animations. The two creatives explore a dense and detailed[...]
Memento Mori and vanity… Death is one of the favorite themes of art history. On the one hand, death is often used to celebrate past lives or the existence of a paradise, on the other hand, it recall the inevitable end. Death is bloody, like[...]
Born in Shanghai, illustrator Nicole Xu now lives and works in Portland, Oregon. Her first picture book, All of A Sudden and Forever, Help and Healing after the Oklahoma City Bombing, written by Chris Barton, is published by Lerner Publishing. Throughout the pages, Nicole Xu[...]
After years of international success, singer Maria Callas collapsed in her parisian apartment on September 16, 1977 at the age of 53. From this sudden, lonely and still misunderstood death, performer Marina Abramovic created “7 Deaths of Maria Callas” : seven short films shown at[...]
Lisa Blumen is an illustrator. Based in Strasbourg, her book La vérité sur les fantômes has just been published in october 2020, by Éditions du Rouergue. Where do you come from and what is your background? I live and work in Strasbourg as a writer and[...]
For illustrator Ana Popescu who lives and works in Vienna, Austria, voids are the very protagonists of her story. “In my vision, empty spaces and their details tell a story. They leave a lot of room for the imagination. " In her compositions drawn with[...]