Giseok Cho portrays his generation

Flowers of all colors, sizes and species adorn the faces and bodies portrayed by Giseok Cho. The Korean photographer wants to create the imagery of his own generation whether they are from Seoul or not.

Early in his career as a photographer, Giseok Cho worked as a graphic designer and artistic director for Korean fashion brands in Seoul. As a millennial and flea market lover, these are his two inspirations in photography ; his personal experience in the Internet age and his curiosity for precious and old objects. Through his portraits, he injects his appetite for the fashion industry, where flowers hold a narrative as well as an aesthetic role.

Korea Mask series


In her images, flowers are therefore a common thread. In “Flower Study” series, realized in 2019, Giseok Cho photographs the portrait of a fresh flower and then, capture the likeness of a human model with colors, features and above all, an analogous attitude. Whether painted on the faces of the photographed, faded or fresh, these flowers bring to the portraits the very personal feelings of Giseok Cho on his generation.

For Goenj object series
For Goenj object series
Flower study series, 2019
Flower study series, 2019
Flower study series, 2019
Personal work with Yujeong series
Flower and Tattoo series

Giseok Cho’s website:
© Giseok Cho