Péter Gallov and the scorpion
Péter Gallov graduated from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest, where he developed a very graphic drawing practice Or engraving. In his production, the artist combines self-discipline and rigor in order to construct a systemic reflection on the relationship between order and the chaos of nature. Extremely realistic, his works decompose according to a coded, ciphered, rhythmic and organized process the bodies of his favorite subject, the scorpion. The arthropod thus becomes an object of study and symbol. Péter Gallov gives the animal the attributes of order, precision, patience, discipline or rigor that it confronts the astrological aspect of the animal. The confrontation between geometry and organism or black and white becomes the signature of his work of great precision.
The work of Péter Gallov will be visible in 2016 at the Museum Műcsarnok – Kunsthalle in Budapest,
© Péter Gallov The tumblr of Péter Gallov: petergallov.tumblr.com