Maïmouna Guerresi's peculiar and spiritual works
Maimouna Guerresi, Italian artist born in 1951, spent her life between Italy and Senegal. She makes photographies, sculptures, videos and installations. Her creations, inspired by her personal experiences, are odes to multiculturalism. Converted to Islam in 1991, most of her work is centered on the Muslim religion. Womanhood is also a recurring theme. In her sculptures, the characters merge with their outfits, becoming almost architectural works. Her series The Giants erects the bodies into divine temples. Guerresi also created monumental “minarets hats”, that take a central place in her pictures, instead of the protagonist. Time for spirituality. Maimouna Guerresi is the subject of an exhibition at LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) since January 2016, as part of the Islamic Art Now exhibition.
The work of Maimouna Guerresi is presented in the pages of Cercle Magazine # 4 – Costumes

© Maïmouna Guerresi