Iwajla Klinke's anthropological digs

Iwajla Klinke is a german photographer based in Berlin. She travels the world in search of traditional clothing, which are hard to imagine being real as they are incredibly majestic. The artist’s research work is impressive. She unearths forgotten cultural garments from the past and immortalizes them through her very elaborate yet simple portraits, in classical aesthetics that evoke some Baroque painters like Vermeer or Caravaggio. The subjects photographed by Iwajla Klinke are always children or young adults . The background is systematically black and enhances the clothes’ colours and the protagonists’ pale faces, bringing a poetic and baffling aspect at the same time .

Her work has been exhibited in various galleries throughout the world, including Düsseldorf in February 2016.

Sans titre, de la série Sardinian Carnival Altar, 2014
Sans titre, de la série Winter Rituals, Tyrol, 2014
Sans titre, de la série Sorbische Vogelhochzeit, 2010
Sans titre, de la série Settimana, 2011
Sans titre, de la série Pfingstkönige, 2012
Sans titre, de la série Winter Rituals, Autriche, 2011
Sans titre, de la série Winter Rituals, 2011
Sans titre, de la série Sardinian Carnival Altar, 2014

© Iwajla Klinke