Ode to chaos by Boris Camaca
Boris Camaca celebrates the movement of bodies in a painful, yet visual, reflection on collapsology. Alongside electronic music producer Rone, and the choreographers’ collective (LA)HORDE, Boris Camaca photographs 20 dancers from the Ballet de Marseille for the show Room with a View.

His thoughts turn directly to the risk of a collapse of industrial civilization. Very quickly, the idea of a pagan ritual comes to mind; a group of people praying to nameless gods looking for a meaning lost in the chaos. “I had in mind references of paintings, like The Raft of the Medusa by Géricault or The Garden of Delights by Jérôme Bosch; but I wanted something more solar and contemporary” explains the Parisian photographer.
Inspired by the movie World War Z, he builds luminous scenes on the roof of the Ballet de Marseille, where hordes of zombies climb on each other, clawing endlessly at each other’s flesh…

Instagram: @boris_camaca
© Boris Camaca