Ann Veronica Janssens' spectrum
Ann Veronica Janssens was born in 1956 in Folkestone (England), she lives and works in Brussels (Belgium). Exploring elements such as light, sound or fog that she artificially reproduces, the artist Ann Veronica Janssens tries in her installations and devices to exacerbete the sensations and perceptions of the spectator. Immersed in a physical and sensory universe, he develops a completely different relationship from his body to space. In these areas of visuel and temporal instability where eluse elements lead to a loss of bearings, Ann Veronica Janssens decomposes light and plays with its effects sometimes adding sounds, as reminders of the real world. She thus invites those who are ready to live it a troubled and mysterious experience. Like ghostly shadows, visitors wander in a supernatural environment where little happens eventually, the artist’s work acting as an invitation to perceive and not to see.