The futuristic adventures of Marie Mathématique sung by Gainsbourg
By Carole Mercier.
Between 1965 and 1966, Barbarella’s creator, Jean-Claude Forest, decided to tell us about the adventures of her younger sister, Marie Mathématique.
Forrest’s cut-out drawings come to life thanks to Serge Gainsbourg’s sung narration on texts by Alain Ruellan (French sci-fi author). The laughter of Marie is that of France Gall.
Discovered in the show for ladies Dim Dam Dom, each of the 6 episodes of 5 minutes depicts the vicissitudes of Marie Mathematics in the year of its 16 years, in the futuristic Paris of 2830 through its interplanetary encounters and its awakening to the senses .
A dreamlike bubble, psychedelic and naughty, a few years before May 68 and its societal changes.