Cercle Magazine n°11: Mythologia will be printed mid-April 2023. It is now available for pre-order on the Kiss Kiss Bank platform! To get it (and maybe even more), follow the link -> www.kisskissbankbank.com/fr/projects/cercle11_mythologia
Cercle Magazine presents its eleventh issue and this year focuses on the theme of Mythology. This issue is always curious and demanding: whether it is foundational, contemporary or forward-looking, the theme of Mythology will be approached from many angles. Interviews, a selection of artists in its portfolio pages, but also various columns will give the vision of numerous contributors from all over the world.
Content of the eleventh issue:
Henri Deleersnijder, Belgian historian, professor and essayist on the construction of Europe, from myth to reality.
Angelin Preljocaj, dancer and choreographer, on his latest creation Mythologie and the world of dance.
David le Breton, anthropologist, sociologist and writer of numerous books, on the theme of faces and identity in contemporary society.
Nathalie Cabrol, Franco-American astrobiologist attached to the American Seti Institute, on the search for traces of extraterrestrial life in the universe.
A story of the lyre by Fanny Montinari (music), the myth of the beautiful book by Christelle Dion (graphic design), the colossal by Aurélien Montinari (architecture), perfume and divinity by Louise von Cronenberger (fashion), the ideal city by Luc Voelkel (urbanism), a photographic vision of the myth of Dionysus by Simon Pagès (food), Léo Puel’s film selection (film), myth in culture by Marie Heyd (visual arts), sculpture and mythology by Matthew Burgos (design), the myth of which you are the hero by Yannick Karcher (video games), Jack Kirby by Francis Parinaud (books)
For each issue of Cercle, a typeface is specially created by a typographer: this year it is Ariel Martín Pérez, founder of the Applied Meta Project studio, who designed of the Luperca font, named after the she-wolf who fed Romulus and Remus.
This issue features 276 pages of content in English and French, with embossing and matte lamination cover, with a combination of matte and glossy puff paper on the inside.
Cercle Magazine in a few words
Cercle is an independent, thematic magazine published once a year. Each year, a new issue. Each issue, a new theme. Cercle tries to gather information around the theme and to offer a medium that promotes contemporary art, culture and science. The project is based on curiosity and the conviction that everything is interesting if you take the time to read it. This time is spent researching, selecting, printing and publishing. Cercle Magazine is therefore based on the idea of bringing together professional, literary, visual, scientific and artistic aspects of a theme in one issue.
Cercle is distributed in France and abroad through its two distributors, KD Presse Paris and Antenne Books London.
Cercle, who are you?
Created by Marlène Astrié, Marie Secher and Maxime Pintadu, Cercle Magazine is an annual publication edited by the Association Cercle which was founded in 2013 and is based in Strasbourg. They have been joined by Louise Cronenberger since 2021. The four of us are involved in the magazine on a voluntary basis. In parallel, we are artistic directors and graphic designers within Cercle Studio created in 2014.
Cercle is also a network of volunteers and paid positions, without which the magazine could not exist: editors, photographers, translators, printers, distributors, advisors, and supporters in many forms!
Support independent publishing!
Cercle is eleven years of varied, curious and even unexpected content, rich in exciting encounters. The magazine gives space and the floor to many enthusiasts, amateurs or professionals, who bring their singular viewpoint on many themes. Cercle supports artistic creation, not only through its publication but also through the organisation of events combining exhibitions, meetings, mixes, performances, tastings, etc. All this thanks to the investment of many contributors and an over-motivated team!
We are choosing to use the Kiss Kiss Bank Bank platform for pre-sales this year, so we can have a fair look at the number of copies to be printed, avoiding waste.
Pre-ordering here also allows us to ensure the magazine’s durability and to see new and more surprising themes appear in the future! And also to offer yourself a beautiful editorial object, thought out and produced with care and passion!
Cercle is an independent, advertising-free magazine. The magazine exists mainly thanks to the support of its readership, which represents the majority of its income.
It also receives support from the Région Grand Est, the DRAC Grand Est and the City of Strasbourg, as well as from partnerships with fine structures (HEAR Strasbourg, LISAA Strasbourg, Bruno Chaussignand, ARTE, Naomi Goodsir, Dim Sum Sam, ESAM Caen, Papiers Fédrigoni, …).
The items requiring the largest share of expenditure are the translation, distribution and printing of the journal. Originally created entirely by volunteers, over the years we have been able to pay for certain jobs: typographic design, writing, photography.
Finally, there is the organisation of events, to continue the work directly with the artists and the readership.
Cercle Magazine n°11: Thanks to you, Mythologia can continue to be anchored in the wonderful landscape of independent magazines!
Cercle Magazine Mythologia, when is it?
Rewards infos!
Cercle Magazine has nine themes to choose from in addition to your Mythologia issue, depending on the counterparty chosen!
You can choose between Forest (French and English in the same issue), Insects (French and English in the same issue), Costumes (French and English in the same issue), Oceans (all in French or all in English), Dreams (all in French or all in English), Volcanoes (all in French or all in English), Ghosts (all in French or all in English), Flowers (all in French or all in English), Parade (French and English in the same issue).
We are very sorry, but the Science-Fiction theme is no longer available!
Information on each issue can be found on :
Many thanks!