After an strange spring, the last issue of Cercle Magazine is finally out!
For its eighth issue, Cercle Magazine explores the unexplained, the intangible, the transparent. It wonders about our relationship to ghosts, let them haunt us, make us scream with fear or laugh, whether light spectrum or wandering in dark areas. Four interviews with enthusiasts professionals or amateurs, ten illustrators, photographers or visual artists, questioned about their practice, and always varied selections, here is the eighth issue of Cercle Magazine.
With the point of view of Felipe Ribon, french/colombian designer. He works on fascinating objects that allows living humans to contact deads, such as pendulum, turning tables or mirrors.
Caroline Callard, historian and author of Le temps des fantômes: Spectralities of the Old Regime from the 16th to the 17th century clarifies our vision of ghosts in terms of history and how their presence has been felt even in the courts.
Stephane Du Mesnildot, critic for Les Cahiers du Cinéma. Asian cinema specialist and author of a book on ghosts in Japanese cinema, he is also the co-director of the exhibition Hells and Ghosts of Asia at Quai Branly.
Mack Rides, german family company, founder of Europa Park and maker of many ghost trains and other haunted houses for parks around the world.

Artists, illustrators, photographers: Jules Julien (France), Stephan Tillmans (Germany), Angela Deane (USA), Akos Major (Hungary), Eduardo Mata Icaza (Costa Rica), Eva Feuchter (Germany), Josh Courlas (USA) et Rhys Ziemba (USA).

For this issue, font designers Jean-Baptiste Morizot and Lucas Le Bihan have designed Karrik an open source typeface inspired by the spectral figure of Ankou, born out of the Breton mythology.

A number that may allow you to scrutinize the invisible world more carefully.
More informations: Issue 8 Ghosts
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Cercle Magazine #8 – Ghosts
136 pages
20 x 26,5 cm
Cover printed with pantone and phospho inks
Printed on Tauro 120 grams
Fonts used: Wigrum BAT foundry, Esprit ITC, Karrik by J.B. Morizot and L. le Bihan
Cercle Magazine #8 is distributed by KD Presse Paris & Antenne Books London